Our only liquid power house, small and mighty!
"I'm the real Wonder Woman!"
Lactivist® is made with a plant called torbangun, which has been used as a breastmilk stimulant after birth by Indonesian Bataknese mothers for many hundreds of years. New mamas traditionally consumed torbangun soup during their confinement after giving birth, because this powerful herb not only boost breastmilk production but it's also rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron to assist in postpartum fatigue and tiredness, and it also enrich the milk quality increasing fat content and nutrition. In a clinical study, three groups of 30 women each were given fenugreek, torbangun or B12 for 30 days. The torbangun group saw a 65% increase in breastmilk volume in the last 2 weeks of the study. This increase was much higher than with the groups receiving B12 or fenugreek which were only 10% and 20% respectively. Read more about our ingredients »
Formulated for:

Available in 2 sizes, 59 ml & 118 ml.
Store in cool, dry place. May lower blood sugar -- please consult with your health care provider if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic.
1 ML / One dropperful 3 times daily.
Torbangun leaves, Purified water, and Organic vegetable glycerin.