Legendairy Littles Program: December 2018 recipient.
Nurshaista is an adorable 3-year-old who has Trisomy 21. At birth, Shaista was found to have Atrioventricular Septal Defects (a type of heart defect), Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) (an intestinal disease) and Chronic Lung Disease. She underwent surgery to repair the heart defect when she was 8 months old, another surgery to cut off part of her small intestine. Before she turned 1-year-old, she was placed on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) to help keep her airway open while she slept. She was weaned off of it few months later.
Due to difficulty in feeding, Shaista used Nasogastric intubation (NG Tube) to aid feeding when she was younger. Currently, she does not need NG Tube. She starts to participate in feeding herself such as holding spoon, scooping food and bringing it to her mouth.
Shaista is very eager to participate in class activities and has shown progress. She crawls on her own and uses her hand and knees to climb up slightly elevated platforms. She stands up with support and tries hard to stand up without support. She is not yet able to walk and her parents are working hard to practice with her regularly at home
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